Our Top Performers Are Celebrated With Billboard Blitz Across Michigan


To celebrate our agents’ incredible achievements and successes from 2021, we offered a new and exciting idea to showcase our award winners: billboards! 

Beginning February 28th, agents were delighted to see their faces and names in high traffic areas all around Michigan. Each award winner was able to be seen approximately 300 times for the week throughout the day. 

Over 1,552 billboards were designed, built and sent out in two days. With 75 templates, each with size and brand variations, the marketing team worked day and night to ensure that all of Michigan would see how great our agents are!

“I am so proud of my team and how they got all the billboards together in record time,” Danette Sarah, the Creative Marketing Director, said. “We hope everyone enjoyed their billboard and congratulations!”

Congratulations on your awards and here’s to even more success in 2022!