Join Our Virtual Town Hall Tomorrow at 2pm


Our market update town hall is tomorrow, August 31st from 2:00-2:45pm.

With the volatility in interest rates and at times, some confusing information from the media about where the real estate market is moving, we thought it would be timely to review the current market and expectations for the balance of the year.

Our esteemed panel of Dan Elsea, Stuart Elsea, Larry Bsharah, Randy Repicky and Mitch Peterek will give you the latest market insights.

We will review the “whys" behind the recent interest rate swings and give you all some background data to best counsel your clients.

The program will be recorded and available, along with the slides used the following day.  Although the program will be directed towards Realtors, feel free to forward the information to your clients, as well.

  Here is the zoom link to join:

Topic: Market Town Hall 2023

Time: Aug 31, 2023 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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